Rob Zellner Leds 2014's MLK Activities at Clemson
Post date: Jan 15, 2014 12:38:32 AM
Clemson, South Carolina - Clemson University's Martin Luther King, Jr. Enhancement Committee has announced its events for this Month. Leading the activities this year is MLK Commemorative Service with Bob Zellner who served in student leaders in SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, pronounced "SNICK") in 1960's. Pi Alpha Chapter remains a vital part of the MLK committee which was formed in 1999. The program will begin at 6 PM at Tillman Auditorium and is free to the public. Robert "Bob" Zellner, a southern Alabamian whose father was a former Ku Klux Klan member, became SNCC's first white field secretary in the fall of 1961, having begun participating in civil rights protests while a student at Montgomery's Huntingdon College. During his work with SNCC, Zellner was beaten and jailed eighteen times, yet he continued to fight against racism and discrimination with the organization for most of its existence. He is the author of "The Wrong Side of Murder Creek, A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement" which tells the story about a white southern's commitment to radical justice.
Other activities include the Annual Day of Service and Blood Drive on MLK Day Holiday, on January 20th and a Panel Discussion and Forum discussing Post Racial America. Ending the week's activities is a very unique program called the Tunnel of Oppression which seeks to enacts, dramatically, examples of harassment and discrimination to viewers in series of stages. It's goal is to increase the viewers awareness of indifference against various ethnic, radical, civil groups on campus. The program is led by students runs from 8 AM to 5 PM on January 23rd. Finally, an Instagram Contest for Students will be held at all the events and the best moments, either pictures and videos, will be selected for prizes.
Pi Alpha Alumni in the local area are invited to join the Chapter and Clemson students & employees at the Commemorative Service and other of the events happening throughout the week. More information about all the events is available at the Clemson's MLK website,
Parts of this story were taken from Encyclopedia of Alabama
Clemson University's
32nd Annual
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Sponsored by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Enhancement Committee
Monday, January 20, 2014
Day of Service
Hendrix Student Center
8:00am – 1:30pm
Blood Drive
Hendrix Student Center, Meeting Rooms A&B
10:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
MLK Commemorative Service
Tillman Hall Auditorium, 6:00pm
Speaker: Bob Zellner, Prominent Civil Rights Activist and Freedom Rider
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Open Forum
Revisiting Racism: Teaching Difference in Post Racial America
Lila Holmes Ballroom, Clemson House, 6:00pm
Facilitator: Bryant K. Smith
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Tunnel of Oppression
David Peebles Room and Hendrix Student Center Ballroom
8:00am – 5:00pm