RDL gives to PANAC Endownment at MLK Service on Jan. 18th
Post date: Jan 19, 2014 3:52:44 AM
Anderson, South Carolina - The Rho Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. seated at Anderson, SC held their 12th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Celebration & Breakfast at Westside High School Auditorium on January 18, 2014 at 10 AM. The program featured The Honorable Hervery B. O. Young, Chief Public Defender of the 10th Judicial Circuit, as the keynote speaker who spoke on the Dr. King's Legacy and his possible comments on the 21st Century Judicial System in America. "King would call for a more equable circumstance for those defending themselves in the system", said Young, who was named as Chief Defender in January 2013. In a proposed imaginary letter from Dr. King written to the citizens of today, Young proposed that Dr. King would be proud of the some accomplishments but be concerned the emphasis placed on "building bigger prisons rather than better schools". Bro. Young also served as South Carolina District Director of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity from 2005-2009.
Bro. Young speaks at RDL Breakfast
The Chapter awarded Dr. Charles Battle scholarships to three students and also gave $500 dollars to the Clemson University's APAPACASE (PANAC) Endowment named for Professor Clarence Addison. Professor Addison was the Charter advisor to Pi Alpha Chapter and a Charter Member of Rho Delta Lambda Chapter, which was chartered in 2001. The Addison Family (Mrs. Rublee and Ms. Maudre Addison) was present at the event. Pi Alpha Brothers received the gift at the program and also served as ushers for the event.
Bro. Ken Robinson presents the gift to Pi Alpha Bro. Bobby Haney and Pi Alpha Chapter Advisors, Bros. Jordon Gilmore and Jerome McClendon.
The Chapter was also named as their 2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Award to Mr. Joseph E. Reynolds of Abbeville, South Carolina. Mr. Reynold is an exceptional educator and civic servant and a 50-Year brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. About 100 people attended the program, which included a complimentary breakfast and several musical selections from Mr. Wesley Hudson, a sophomore at Clemson University.
Thank you to the Brothers of Rho Delta Lambda Chapter for their gracious support of the PANAC Endowment and presenting an excellent commemorative program celebrating Dr. King's Life and Legacy to Anderson County.Brothers John Middleton & Ken Robinson (PANAC Members) chaired the event.