Happy 33rd Anniversary, Pi Alpha Chapter
Post date: Feb 24, 2016 3:59:39 AM
Brothers of Pi Alpha,
Happy 33rd!
It's great to say that we can celebrate the aims of our fraternity cemented on the campus of Clemson University on this day: Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind!
We have a lot of gratitude and the legacy of Pi Alpha and Bro. Addison continues. Brothers Anthony Bird, Kenneth Gandy, Neil Phillips, William K McCall, Kenneth Robinson, Norman D Hall, Charles P. Hill, Michael Ferguson, Don Weston, Antonio Pinckney, we thank you for laying the foundation.
Onward and Upward!
Tony Washington #6
Fall 1998 Resurrection
Pi Alpha Chapter in 1984
Pi Alpha Chapter, Clemson University in 1985. for the Top: Bryan Gamble, Second row: Antonio Pinckney, Kerry Graham, third row: Greg Perry, Bobby Clark, fourth row: Steve Hammer, Charles Hill, fifth row: Oscar Mosely, Richard Scott, Jerry Middleton, Bill McCall, Lorenzo Rothery, Michael Ferguson, and Norman Hall.